June Griffiths - June Griffiths

June Griffiths CRS

Managing Broker
SRES - Seniors Real Estate Specialist
Downsizing Specialist


I'm June Griffiths, Bellevue’s Downsizing Specialist, supporting homeowners through the process of transitioning to their next adventure. As a locally-focused real estate professional since 1989, I have helped hundreds of clients successfully fulfill their real estate dreams while accumulating experience, professional contacts, and solutions to problems that I put to work in every transaction. You would be hard-pressed to find a local broker with that kind of longevity in this industry. Experience and relationships are of the utmost importance and my clients deserve the best.


My interest in real estate took root when I was ten years old during house hunting trips with my family. I still remember many of the homes we toured and the nicknames we gave each one. Today, I delight in taking clients on similar journeys so they can start new chapters in their lives as a result of how well I represent their interests.


I have a reputation for leading transactions with integrity and a commitment to winning outcomes. All parties in the transaction appreciate my attention to detail and proactive approach as evidenced by glowing testimonials and referrals.


My passion is people and I am thrilled and honored to have helped so many buyer and seller clients with some of the biggest events of their lives. I hope I have the opportunity to assist you with your next real estate adventure!

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